Repair Details
Rusting steel can grow in size at least 2.5 times its original area. Tremendous
jacking pressure is placed on the surrounding masonry/concrete by the corroding
metal. The pressure causes fractures, which leads to spalling. Fractures allow
additional water into the structure which accelerates the corrosion process.
Worst, is the fall hazards and weaken state of the structural members caused by spalling.
Mark 1 knows and understands the dynamics of corrosion on lintels, shelf angles and fasteners. Our company has the
expertise to safely remove the affected steel, masonry or concrete, replace the steel
with corrosion resistant material, and restore the masonry/concrete to its original condition.
Specific services include:
Emergency response:
Emergency fall hazard removal
Temporary stabilization
Building hazard inspections
Safety procedures:
Pedestrian walkway protection
OSHA approved equipment
OSHA required safety procedures
Improved Repair Details:
Anti corrosion materials
Stainless steel members & fasteners
Brick, stone, concrete, terra-cotta restoration
Waterproofing, flashing, sealants & specialty details